Before we start, lets take a look at sample screenshot of the finishing-setup. Note that icons on sample screen is NOT part of this application.
Lets begin!! The setup will breakdown into following content
Background settings
Components enabling
Components size setting
Components color setting
Components shape setting
Components positioning
This app provides 5 system-resource-indicators. CPU, RAM(memory), ROM(internal storage), SD-Card(External Storage) and Clock. We will call each indicator a "component". You can set size, color, position of each component to match with background, which is of course customizable.
Background settings
You can choose background from your phone's gallery. To do so, follow these steps
- Go to Live Wallpaper Setting
- Choose "Portrait" of "Landscape" under "Background" section
- When dialog box appears, click on "Choose from gallery" button. This will take you to your phone's gallery, select desire picture.
- Once the picture is selected from gallery, the dialog box will display boundary of picture to be used for background of this app. You can scale the display region by dragging at corner of the white-boundary-box (hi-lighted with red-circle in picture below). Once done, click "OK".
Components enabling
You can choose which components to be display on screen.
Components size setting
In setting page, locate the "size" menu of each component.
- Select size of component you want to adjust
- Slide the slider bar to adjust size
- At this point, you will not yet see the result. You will be seeing it when you adjust component position, see detail in section Component Positioning
Components color setting
There are 2 ways to set color of each component.
Set color of each component manually
To do this, here's the steps
- Select size of component you want to adjust
- On color picker dialog box, select picture you prefer (optionally you can enter manually enter color code - see red-hilighted-circle in image below) then click Ok
- At this point, you will not yet see the result. You will be seeing it when you adjust component position, see detail in section Component Positioning
Setup components color globally.
If you want all components to have the same color, here is the quick way. Find the "Color" menu under the "Global settings" section. then it will show you color-picker dialog box (same as picture above). Choose desire color and then click "Ok"
Components shape setting
There are 2 shapes available for each component, Octagon(Hive) and Circle. There are 2 ways to set shape of each component.
Set shape of each component manually
To do this, here's the steps
- Select shape of component you want to adjust
- Choose preferred shape
- At this point, you will not yet see the result. You will be seeing it when you adjust component position, see detail in section Component Positioning
Setup components shape globally.
If you want all components to have the same shape , here is the quick way. Find the "Shape" menu under the "Global settings" section. then it will show you shape-picker dialog box (same as picture above). Choose desire shape and then click "Ok"
Components positioning
You can position each components anywhere on screen. To do so, follow these steps
- Select "Portrait" or "Landscape" under "Components positioning" section
- On preview screen, touch on each component and drag it to preferred position
- Once done, click Ok
I hope you like this Live Wallpaper, I will be more than happy to hear feedbacks/suggestions from you guys
Thanks :-]